GEA CALZA is an ERP specifically made for companies producing and trading footwear. Starting from a minimum configuration its modular structure enables shoe factories to integrate the woftware later on further modules according to their present needs.
GEA CALZA archives are open to the most common procedures by Microsoft (Word, Excel, Access).
The software can associate JPG images to documents (such as production sheets) and can send as enclosed files to e-mail any print or document.
The platform used can be either CLIENT or SERVER-CLIENT and exploits the most used operating systems and databases (all versions of Windows and Linux).
The problems faced and solved concert all typical company areas in the footwear fields, such as:
- Styling
- Customer orders
- Raw material consumption by sizes, groups and colours
- Supplier orders
- Production sheets
- Production planning
- Production phases advancement
- Production control in foreign companies and management of temporary export procedures
- Raw material warehouse, semimanufactured goods and finished products
- Sales and deliveries, including box label, packing label and packing list prints
- Accounting and administrative management

Collection management from prototypes to price list
As we all know the number of models proposed in the sales campaign is much higher than the number of models which will go into production
For this reason GEA SOFT has created a module which enables, in a quick and easy way, with no coding implied, to create technical sheets for prototypes / samples, in order to manage all problems in this phase, such as:
- production of samples / prototypes
- raw material consumptions
- sample labelling
- price sheets
- price lists
- catalogues
- and much more
Check-up in progress (Management inspection)
With this simple and flexible instrument company managers can have a realistic, on-time view over production and economic trends in the factory, and better examine in details what has caused them. The CHECK through a cross analysis of accounting, production and perspective data generates a “CONTROL BOARD” where changes can be made and simulations operated. In the “FORECAST GRID” produced after confirming the control board, the following data will be shown for each customer and for any model type:
- company proceeds
- sales mixing
- contribution margin
- pairs
- number of models sold
… in addition to extremely important data, such as:
- break even point for proceeds (BEP)
- break even point for pairs