Gea Soft srl is a leading company in planning and creating management software solutions. Its internal structure is organized in 5 business units:
In each single business unit operates a staff, responsible for the following activities:
Through a calendar of weekly meetings in the partner company, the customer’s staff is trained to use and efficiently exploit the software. The assigned “supporter” is part of the training staff. The Gea Soft structure caring for the start-up period is composed by a team of supporters / consultants who not only train the company staff to learn to use the management software but also deliver consultancies on issues typical of the footwear industry.
Gea Soft, with its structure, guarantees the customer a continuous professional assistance.
Gea Soft srl is the owner of the software distributed, including the administrative section. In order to give prompt answers to market needs and specific requests from its customers, Gea Soft can rely on a large staff of analysts / programmers.
It is important to emphasize that for all procedures created specifically for each single customer Gea Soft guarantees continuity from the technological point of view, as they will be integrated in the following release.
SSI SECTOR (Internal System Support)
At Gea Soft is active a group of specialists responsible for research, development and system support.
This enables Ges Soft to be totally independent on the technological plan. As a consequence this is a guarantee for customers, who can exploit all most advanced technologies existing on the market, integrated in their management system.