

Companies in the same production chain have a growing need to exchange information automatically, quickly and securely.
Gea Net Factory is a new software tool designed to forge synergies between your business, and your contractors.

Gea Net Factory connects a company with its subcontractors to facilitate the exchange of delivery documentation and the automatic phase completion, when semifinished goods are returned.
Each time the company sends a next-stage report to the contractor, a csv file is generated when the transport note is issued on the processing account. The contractor can then upload the csv files onto their ERP, enabling automatic creation of the customer orders.

The contractor can be set up in one of the following ways:

  • company and contractor with ERP and Gea Soft database on the same server;
  • company and contractor with ERP and Gea Soft database on different servers.

A contractor can be interfaced with multiple companies.

Each sales document (returned after processing) printed by the contractor will produce a csv file containing the details of the bill or phases present on the document.
Using a specific procedure, the company can check the delivery notes issued by the contractor, and confirm the automatic next-stage progression of all or part of the delivery notes, quantities or phases submitted.


Advantages for the contractor

By sending the processing account note as usual, Gea Net Factory will simultaneously send a production order to the outsourcer, which will be retained on its computer system.

This allows the contractor to manage the order; at the end of production, they can then automatically issue the transport notes for the finished returns, and run the automatic invoicing process at the end of the month.

Advantages for the company

When the workshop returns the processed order, there are two significant advantages for the company:

  • The delivery note and the workshop’s invoice will already be completed with the details required for process control;
  • The related processing phase(s) will be closed automatically, creating the entries for the semi-finished products in the warehouse, without the intervention of the operator.
Gea Net Factory allows any leather goods and shoe factory to keep track at all times of the progress of their outsourced work

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